30 Ott New routes to Vietnam
Posted at 08:11h
in News
Nuove rotte verso il Vietnam operate da Egyptair con Voli B777 pax-freighter
- MS5040 CAI-HAN day 2-6 std 07.30 sta 17.50 B777
- MS5050 CAI-SGN day 1-5 std 07.30 sta 17.50 B777
Contatteci per maggiori informazioni
New Routes to Vietnam by Egyptair B777 pax-freighter
- MS5040 CAI-HAN day 2-6 std 07.30 sta 17.50 B777
- MS5050 CAI-SGN day 1-5 std 07.30 sta 17.50 B777
Contact us for further information